Chelsey Melnychuk | Impact Physio & Sport Clinic

Registered Massage Therapist


  • P.J is a duly registered massage therapist in good standing with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. Since moving her practice to Impact Physio & Sports Clinic in 2017, she has become a fundamental member of our close team of experts.
  • A graduate of the University of Alberta, P . J has thirty years experience working in the health and wellness industry. She has extensive training from and is a graduate with high honors from both Alberta School of Massage, and The Turner Institute of Orthopaedic Massage, as well as completing an additional year in the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine. To date, she has done around twenty thousand massages.
  • P. J has worked extensively in her involvement with the Guaifenesin Protocol at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine. Here, her palpatory skills were utilized to provide on-going and detailed body-mapping of fibromyalgia patients for this ground-breaking treatment program.
  • In her years of experience with accident/injury patients, P. J has been called upon by The Court of Queen’s Bench on several occasions, to provide extensive medical reports, including diagnosis, as evidence in legal proceedings. This is an uncommon occurrence within massage therapy and is a testament to P.Jkeen knowledge within her field, professionalism, and excellent reputation within the community.
  • P. J specializes in fertility/pregnancy massage, children’s and youth massage, sports massage, pain reduction, lymphatic and sinus treatments, accident injury assessment and therapy including TMJ, relaxation massage, abdominal and organ treatments, cupping and TCM acupressure therapy, detoxification massage, management of disease condition, relief of depression and anxiety, energetic balancing, and maintenance treatments for optimizing health and happiness.
  • Utilizing techniques and methods that are most conducive to achieving the best results possible, P. J treatments are always individualized, and are performed with the upmost of care, finesse, and attention. Her schedule fills up fast, so it is advisable to book appointments in advance!
Meghan Perry | Impact Physio & Sport Clinic

Registered Massage Therapist


  • P.J is a duly registered massage therapist in good standing with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. Since moving her practice to Impact Physio & Sports Clinic in 2017, she has become a fundamental member of our close team of experts.
  • A graduate of the University of Alberta, P . J has thirty years experience working in the health and wellness industry. She has extensive training from and is a graduate with high honors from both Alberta School of Massage, and The Turner Institute of Orthopaedic Massage, as well as completing an additional year in the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine. To date, she has done around twenty thousand massages.
  • P. J has worked extensively in her involvement with the Guaifenesin Protocol at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine. Here, her palpatory skills were utilized to provide on-going and detailed body-mapping of fibromyalgia patients for this ground-breaking treatment program.
  • In her years of experience with accident/injury patients, P. J has been called upon by The Court of Queen’s Bench on several occasions, to provide extensive medical reports, including diagnosis, as evidence in legal proceedings. This is an uncommon occurrence within massage therapy and is a testament to P.Jkeen knowledge within her field, professionalism, and excellent reputation within the community.
  • P. J specializes in fertility/pregnancy massage, children’s and youth massage, sports massage, pain reduction, lymphatic and sinus treatments, accident injury assessment and therapy including TMJ, relaxation massage, abdominal and organ treatments, cupping and TCM acupressure therapy, detoxification massage, management of disease condition, relief of depression and anxiety, energetic balancing, and maintenance treatments for optimizing health and happiness.
  • Utilizing techniques and methods that are most conducive to achieving the best results possible, P. J treatments are always individualized, and are performed with the upmost of care, finesse, and attention. Her schedule fills up fast, so it is advisable to book appointments in advance!

Availablity Hours :

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Massage Therapist Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
P . J    First Tuesday of every month (as needed)  12:00 pm to 06:00 pm    10:00 am to 04:00 pm  09:00 am to 03:00 pm 

Contact us Today

Whether you’re an active individual, recovering from an injury, or managing a chronic illness, we’re here to help you regain control of your life with approachable health advice and in-clinic treatments. To learn more about our clinic and the treatments we provide, don’t hesitate to contact us today at